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What readers have to say

Reviews and authentic perspectives shared by readers of My Teacher, My Son.

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Person's Name
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"The work GLI has done is invaluable. They have helped us both set our strategy and structure, as well as ensure that our leaders have the capabilities to implement both."

German Industrial Company

"The program was instrumental for me in building a vision for my team that fits the corporation. We focused on issues that were relevant to our business. I was amazed by the faculty’s knowledge of our company and its business."

Executive Vice President
US-based Financial Services Company

"The program was very emotional, empowering and filled with excellent examples specific to my needs. The faculty were able to provide the bridge between the academic and the business world."

Vice President
Dutch Technology Company

"These are hands-on professors with excellent delivery. The content was very rich and customized for our needs."

Marketing Director
Swiss Global Pharmaceutical Company

"The mix of concepts and real life experience was excellent. The faculty were extremely knowledgeable about our industry and company and used highly informative materials."

Executive Vice President
Global Steel Company

"The faculty are wonderful speakers. They are enthusiastic, provoke discussion and excitement for the changes our company is facing. They are knowledgeable and energetic."

Managing Director
Global Telecommunications Equipment Company

"The faculty worked hand in glove with our CEO to create a break-through moment for me. By far and away the best instructors that I have ever had the honor of learning from."

Production Director
Canadian Food Company

"The program helped crystallize key points as they apply to the character of our business. We were able to combine the learnings from the faculty with our company’s unique situation and CEO's vision in a seamless way."

Vice President of Technology
Swiss Specialty Chemicals Company

What People Are Saying

Reviews and authentic perspectives from readers of My Teacher, My Son.

“It seems impossible that a book about unimaginable grief could offer so much hope, yet that is the gift of My Teacher, My Son. With breathtaking honesty, Nick Shaw shows how love, joy, and continued connection co-exist with loss, change, and challenge. The courage of Nick’s self-reflection empowers each of us to find a way forward. A truly heart-empowering read.”

Kelly McGonigal, PhD
Research Psychologist, Stanford University Lecturer, and Author of The Joy of Movement: How Exercise Helps Us Find Happiness, Hope, Connection, and Courage

“With gripping intensity, Nick Shaw shares the terror of losing his nine-year-old son in an accident on a mountain after sharing a much-anticipated summit ski. Nick is determined to investigate his grief in a way that maintains a loving connection to his son and serves as an example to readers of his powerful memoir, My Teacher, My Son. Fueled by the knowledge that things can change in a moment, he calls on us to pause and be with the complex terrain of grief; he inspires us to move into the strength that comes from exploring our vulnerability so we may ultimately become more present in our lives. While healing is not linear and is deeply personal, Nick courageously shares his journey so we all feel less alone with unimaginable loss.”

Nancy Rappaport, MD
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Author of The Behavior Code: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Teaching the Most Challenging Students and In Her Wake: A Child Psychiatrist Explores the Mystery of Her Mother’s Suicide

“This heart-piercing book is a tragic story, authentically and beautifully told. Nick Shaw brings the reader into deep resonance with the entire arc of his experience, with precise sharing of all the emotions —panic, pain, despair, yearning — all the understandable ruminations and all his efforts to reach again for joy, connection, and meaning. It is a short read but an intensely impactful story that bravely reminds every one of us to learn from loss, deal with our demons, make life matter and focus on love above all else.”

Michelle Brody, PhD
Executive Coach, Clinical Psychologist, and Author of Stop the Fight! An Illustrated Guide for Couples  and Own Your Armor: Revolutionary Change for Workplace Culture

“In this gripping and emotionally raw account of losing his son to a ski accident, Nick Shaw takes us on a rollercoaster of unimaginable shock and sorrow. In seeking to find meaning and make sense of the tragedy, Nick shares his spiritual journey and the creative process that has helped him heal, stay connected to William, and strive for a sense of calmness and serenity. Nick’s degree of vulnerability in My Teacher, My Son is a testament to his courage and a reminder to us all to embrace our emotions and be in the moment so we can open the path to personal growth and healing.”

Suki Gill
Co-Founder of Mirrorbox Leadership Lab, Executive Coach and Speaker

“How is it possible to simultaneously hate that this is a true story and love that Nick Shaw wrote it for us? Powerful, gut-wrenching, inspired, and optimistic. My Teacher, My Son is poetic and poignant, with universal lessons and thought-provoking discussions about what it means to be our best selves in an unpredictable world.”

Kate Colbert
Speaker, Communications Coach, Publishing Professional, and Author of Think Like a Marketer: How a Shift in Mindset Can Change Everything for Your Business and Commencement: The Beginning of a New Era in Higher Education

"As a father and a skier, this compelling, tragic, yet somehow deeply uplifting story holds your heart from the moment you meet Nick and his family, and doesn’t let go. Sadly, as a person present on that day I knew too well the outcome of events. But what I wasn’t prepared for was encountering the depth of paternal and familial love that came later. Nick taught me about the depth of human resilience, and how much we can learn and grow even from an unimaginable event."

Taylor Middleton
President and COO of Big Sky Resort

“The death of a child is an unimaginable tragedy. Nick Shaw bares his soul in a powerful, poignant, courageous, heartbreaking, and remarkably heart forward way. He shares how he is evolving and growing through loss, vulnerability, connections, and the love lessons that follow. It’s not a straight line, nor can it ever be.”

Jenny Kaplan
PhD, LICSW, Founder, Jeff’s Place and FRIENDS Way, author of 'You Are Not Alone: Young Adults Coping With Death.'